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Tracks: Intoxicating Galaxies Cheryl(take 1) Drifting On A Reed 49th Street Stomp Ba..
Tracks: Crossroads Out! Road Dogg Mingus Mangus Serene Shining Winds Harmoniou..
Tracks: Double Nature Swirl Mr. MB Intensities A Take On It All My..
Tracks: High and Low (McBride) / Strafe (Rempis) [15:14] Gloxinia (Daisy) [13:37] ..
Tracks: In The Whitecage Fast For Us Mandala The River Po Morbid &nbs..
Tracks: Soon to Know The Search Andrea From the Source The Path Break Song ..
Tracks: History of a Mystery:H.Floresiensis Nitro,Don't Leave Home Without It &nb..
Tracks: Bush Wacked Where Has My Father Gone? The Dope and The Ghost Next Step ..
Tracks: The Disappointment of Parsley Zoni C/Sold at Ten Percent Discount &nb..
Tracks: The Pier (for Yutaka Takanashi) Rope (for Don Ellis) Coal Marker (for Chris Marker..
Tracks: Fabric Monument (for Czesław Miłosz) 18:52 Acoustic Fence (for Witold Lutosławski) 15:..
Tracks: Quick be nimble Walkabout On a lark Stray Musicians: Rob..
Tracks: Spiel (for Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill) Table, Skull, and Bottles (for Bruno Johns..
Tracks: CD 1 Friction Some Not All New Weather Second Marker Cadmium Orang CD ..
Tracks: To the Metal (Greg Wall) [6:20] Last Temptation of Lady (Greg Wal..